My first thoughts for the new year.....9 days late

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Well look who's back....

2 days seems to be my limit. But here I am once again. I recently was looking for some stock to invest in and came across
this a company that deals with solar power.
I believe this is the only way to go. I don’t understand why it’s taking so long to adopt this as the way. If you get a chance,
check them out, if you’re looking for something to invest in, then they are the people to support.
Can’t believe that I spent all day shoveling snow to have it start up again a bit ago. Temps are getting ready to drop below
zero. I use to like the cold, but now, with some old broken bones, I’m not enjoying it so much anymore. Now, granted it’s only
the wet cold weather that bothers me. I’m certainly looking forward to a few things. Hopefully, the VA will give me a new knee
instead of cleaning it up, and July!!!! I’m so looking forward to July. Why you ask? Let me explain. Last June I got to work on
a project with some professional movie makers. We (they) shot it locally and I did get such an education in the making of movies.
I learned so much. Here is the official site-
It bugs me that at the ripe old age of 60, that I found out what I want to do for a living. The people that made this film accepted me and helped
me keep up. Now….. Now I was invited to be apart of the crew for a new movie to be shot locally again! This will begin shooting in July
and I can’t wait. Here is the official site the movie-
I wished I had met these people sooner as they are the friendliest people that are so willing to share their knowledge. So,I’ll be
taking 3 weeks vacation to go have some fun! But now, I gotta wait until Thursday, when I find out what the VA has planned. All I can
say is, it better be a new knee. Well, let’s see if I can break my 2 day writing streak. Shouldn’t be to hard right? Shoot it’s only
2 more days from now.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Timelapse is my new tasty treat!!!

Always enjoyed watching timelapse video. May be the limited focus I have at times. Gives me time to watch a whole video in half the time. lol Been checking out various sites on the topic. What I found out is I can do it my self with my Canon 5D MarkII. Just using a remote. You can get remotes for as little as 40 bucks. Cheaper if you dig around. But I'll not have any of that. My remote is gonna carry my favorite word. "Canon". Last week I got the remote from Adorama. Very good people with impeccable service I might add. It's the Canon TC-80N3 which a fantastic piece of equipment. Lightweight and very portable. The only downside I can find with this is the way the chord is attached to the remote it's self. Looks like, if you're in a hurry and not paying attention, you could accidentally pull it out. But, with some slight care, you're gonna have fun with it. I'm enjoying just the thoughts of what I'm gonna be able to do with it. Waiting for my next weekend off so I can go waste some time downtown!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Am I ever gonna catch up?

Chances are. Yes. I'm gonna catch up. Anytime soon? Doubtful. But I've never really been in a hurry. Take for instance this post that you may be looking at. I started this post around 9 this morning and it is now 11:15 am. During that time I ate breakfast and took a nap. All the while never giving a thought to this. Or anything else. Now I'm gonna wrap this up so I can go work on some music, play with some photos and see if I can shoot some video to use for learning some video editing. But I better hurry. Almost lunch time and I feel another nap coming on.
Oh.....onOnesoftware is getting ready to release version six. Click on their link on my page to preorder.
Have a great day!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I'm smart enough to know I'm not smart enough....

I am smart. Just not smart when it comes to working on a website. I have no idea what I'm doing but I decided to give it a shot. What a mental drain. I'm a photographer and well, awesome. The Woodman is an incredible person. But he is not a web designer. Guess that's why people pay big bucks to get it done and done right. Now, I'm not done completely but I needed a break. So last night I watched my dose of cheesy movies on SyFy. I love cheesy movies. I've watched the same ones over and over. Now, though is "Celebrity Apprentice" and LaToya is creepin' me out..The women's team is boring and the men's was fun with Gary Busey and Meatloaf's meltdown. Did I spell Gary's last name right? Too lazy to go check it out right now.
Any how, gonna stop here and grab a snack and hope somebody snaps on the Apprentice. Otherwise I'll have to do more work on the site.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Going to revive this blog

Been lazy lately. Typing has never been one of my skills. Along with the ability to construct a sentence that later forms into a well structured paragraph. So, if you don't mind reading info from me in chunks. With errors in grammar. Then, I may not bore you to tears.
I'm studying for my ACE exam in Photoshop. You think you know something only to find you don't know enough.. Was planning on taking it the end of April but sometime in May might be a safer bet.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

While I will shoot anything, I lean more to the utilization of the technique of HDR ( High Dynamic Range). I know HDR has it's own definition, but I want add what it means to me. I've been shooting since 2000-2001 and never said I was a real photographer until I learned how to shoot HDR and see my results. Crude at first but still, I was instantly in love with. I have found the style of photography that allowed me to create the vision I see in my head . HDR allows me to create my vision of a scene. In the future I will post a photo and let you know how I processed it to get the result you see. I use different software to accomplish this. I will provide you with the particulars. Later